Sunday, 16 June 2013

first coal trains are already rolling at night

Bremen-Nord. Because of the carbon transport to the power plant Farge new menace. Even the conversion of the fuel delivery from the water on the rail track was met with the residents and the local policy on criticism. Well it turns out that the measures announced by the power plant operators in February timetables are not met. The transport company Heavy Haul Power International (HHPI) sends its first trains in the morning much earlier on the trip.

The criticism from the public to the coal transportation is louder. The first trains earlier than originally announced, and many residents of the railway wondering: Should it be?
Before recording of freight traffic Farger the power plant operator GDF Suez had assured the first trains would roll around 6 clock in the morning after Farge. But the reality is different: The first of the four 280-meter teams, a total of 3,000 tons of coal daily to bring Farge, rumble shortly after 4 clock by Bremen-Nord.

Schöfbauer Thomas, assistant manager at HHPI, confirmed yesterday a request. The early connection was not the idea of ​​HHPI. Rather, the German rail network AG helped the company assigned this time corridor. After Schöfbauers words, the current situation is even more unfavorable. "We're here earlier than we need to be." Means: The train is a long time at the power plant, because the unloading of freight cars begins at 6 clock. Rapid solution is not in sight. "There are years timetables that are agreed with DB Netz."

Train local resident Elke Kautz from Lesum is not willing to quietly accept the current situation. "At 4.20 clock you fall out of bed here, which can not possibly be a permanent condition," she says. Is also understandable from their point of view that at least some of the cars used by HHPI is open on top. "The trains draw a fine flag right behind him. Contrast, I had two years ago to sell my Audi Diesel, because he was no longer green sticker., The time to explain to me one."

Blumenthal's local office director Peter Nowack has since requested the schedules of coal trains in both HHPI and at DB Netz AG. In his view, it would be "least problematic" if by 2014 the dead of night to the transports time nothing would change. "Arrangements that have been made, must be respected," says Nowack.

In the Berlin Central Germany GDF-one came yesterday against the impression of being broken his word, even though it from a press release of the energy group 1 February was: "The coal is delivered on Kraftwerk 6-22 clock." In a later press release of 26 March, the formulation was then used: "The trains will be unloaded at the power plant 6-22 clock." From the perspective of GDF spokeswoman Alexa Schroeder makes a difference: arrival and the start of discharge is not the same. It will, however, consider "whether there is potential for optimization of timetables," Schroeder announced.


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  2. My dad used to drive side tipper trucks. He was doing work for a big oil field company and was getting a lot of stones from up on the mountain and bringing it down to location. I got to go with him once and it was really fun watching hi do his thing.

    Alena |
